Web Design | How To Build A Website

Web Design | How To Build A Website

Web Design, or How To Build A Website. Not a week go by that I do not have a conversation about Website Design. Some of those conversations will go into how to use or market the website, but most of them center around the basis of “How will Google find my site?”

So how do you build a site that Google will find? In short, you need a good source for relevant content, updated regularly, and shared throughout Social Media. Yes there are some technical details with meta titles and meta descriptions, but the bigger problems come from either having a good source for regular relevant content, or how to upload that content without excessive ongoing costs. This is where I tend to get on my soapbox.

As a Marketing Firm, when we consult on Website Design, we have a responsibility to guide our clients into a solution that is good for them. That being said, no matter how beautiful of a site you can design, if you are not able to keep that site current for security updates and such without paying a programmer, then I question the long term value we have given our client. For this reason I am also not a big fan of custom themes when using a CMS like WordPress or Joomla. However, if you use a good theme, you can update the entire look of the site every couple of years with little expense. This allows the business owner to maintain a fresh looking website for many years to come without paying for anew site every time they want an update.

A good Website Design should also be laid out from the beginning to allow for the client to update their fresh content on an ongoing basis. Whenever new content is added, it should be time relevant so that I can be posted on social Media, and hopefully shared. This constant supply of content being shared on Social Media tells the search engines like Google, that people like your content, and if your site showed up in search results people are likely to click and be happy. That in a nutshell is the goal of the search engine. What better way to predict what people are likely to click on, then to observe what they are sharing on Social Media?

In summary, build it right the first time so that you have an effective marketing tool that you can adjust to ever changing times. If your web designer doesn’t like that idea then I might suggest you keep looking. Find a web designer that will partner with you for the long haul. Oh, and if you do not have a steady supply of fresh content, just give us a call. We can connect you with an affordable writer.