Need some extra pages written for your website? We sell extra pages as singles, so you can order how ever many you need!
This add-on product includes extra pages for your website, written and optimized by us.
With these web pages, we include 250-500 word written content, optimized for Google Search. We write the content, create the pages and content add our special “secret Sauce” for Google, which goes way beyond the words written in the article, but how each page is titled, how each photo or video is tittled, etc. based on the information you provide.
If you do not need optimization but want us to write the copy, select the written page option. If you have already written your copy, we will still need to edit it as part of the optimization process.
On-page optimization does not guarantee search traffic. You will most likely also need to include some targeted online marketing as well.
This is not a stand-alone product. It is designed as an add-on to a simple starter website.