Tips for Twitter

Here is a question for you; what are the three highest ranking social networking sites currently on the internet? Give up? They are as follows; number one is Facebook, second is Twitter, and third is Pinterest. Each one of these sites has generated millions of users that are actively involved every day.

Since twitter is one of the biggest social networking websites, this makes twitter one of the best forms of networking currently for businesses to use in online marketing. Twitter uses a simple 140 word character box that allows for specific and quick messages. This is a great feature that can help businesses get content out at all times of day.

Here are some easy tips to use when it comes to Twitter:

1. Write something! – Creating updates and content is the best way to get your business out there to people. Describing what type of businesses you do, posting pictures, linking to your company website, or even showing an interesting video will attract more people to your Twitter profile page. Announce deals and events or keep people in touch with conference calls. Get people to see that you are actively involved in updating your account; this will help to create new “Followers” for your list.

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2. Make Friends. – Getting people to be your friends on Twitter is simple enough. By pressing the “Follow” button on any page, you will have a higher chance of people visiting your profile and “Following” you as well. “Following” someone is the basic idea that whatever content you post will be seen by the “Followers” on your list, thus creating more traffic for your profile. Try visiting your favorite websites, Facebook profiles and pages, and blogs to see if there are Twitter boxes that relate to a Twitter page. Just by simple following this profiles will get other people to follow you on Twitter.

3. Let’s “chat”. – Giving feedback and talking to your followers is a great way to keep people in touch with your profile. Simply by using the @ symbol before a username will create a conversation between you and that user. This a great tool to let a follower know that they like something about your page. Be sure to answer questions and keep topics going on your profile page. Promote other content and share with other businesses; the more information that is shared, the better.

4. Track your company. – Even if you don’t have a Twitter account, you can still see what people are saying about you or your company. This is a great marketing tool that always you to see what is being said about your business. Twitter has a separate search engine that does all of this for you. So don’t be afraid to see what is being said! If anything, this will allow you to create new and exciting content for any online marketing campaign.

5. Have Fun With It! – Twitter is a fun social networking site that will allow you to make fun content and create new ideas for your business. Twitter is designed to be short and sweet for anyone and can be seen by tons of people with mobile access. The more fun that you have with Twitter, the more likely you will see great feedback and “Followers” to your page.

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