Marketing, 3 Main Types Of Marketing Explained

Marketing, 3 main types of marketing explained.

    1. marketingBranding: Marketing you Brand is important! However, this area is probably the most misunderstood and abused element in marketing. Branding is the image or message that conveys to your prospect who you are. Branding may include your logo, business cards, brochures and website. Branding should be a one-time or occasional expense. Branding campaigns will usually have a very low return on investment. If however, your branding properly conveys who you are your branding will continue with effective In-Bound and/or Out-Bound marketing.
    2. marketingIn-bound Marketing: This is primarily locating yourself wherever your prospects are searching for you. This may include directory listings, internet search optimization, and soft-sell techniques like the classic Paul Harvey stories.
    3. marketingOut-Bound Marketing: This is getting in front of people that may be interested in what you offer. This may include TV advertising, magazine ads, direct mail, etc. This area is typically the most expensive advertising that you will do, and an effective In-Bound campaign can double the effectiveness of your Out-Bound Marketing.